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soway(苏威)化工集团是一家跨国发展的全球性多元化企业。其发展历史可追溯到二十世纪中叶, soway(苏威)化工集团涉足到了化工原料、涂料、染料、油墨、树脂、香料及调味料等十几个化工相关行业,拥有soway(苏威)等十余个享誉全球的知名涂料品牌,是全球最大的建筑整体装饰涂料供应商之一。经过半个多世纪的发展,1999年公司营业额达65亿美元,并在全40多个国家和地区设立了200多个相关分支机构及研究机构。soway(苏威)化工集团通过遍布全球的代理商和分销商,致力于推动全球性的环保计划,并在化工涂料方面不断提高安全、健康及环保方面的水平,始终以建立人类健康家居环境为理念,在世界各地建材涂装业中确立至高尊荣的地位。soway(苏威),广受用户信赖与推崇的品牌。

soway ( Su Wei ) chemical group is a multinational development of a diversified global enterprises. The group is headquartered in the United States Texas, its history can be traced back to the middle of the twentieth Century, the United States soway ( Su Wei ) chemical group involved in chemical raw materials, dyes, paint, ink, resin, spices and seasonings such as more than a dozen chemical industry, with soway ( Su Wei ) and more than 10 world-renowned brand of coatings, is the world's largest architectural decoration paint suppliers. After more than half a century of development, turnover in 1999 reached $6500000000, and in the more than 40 countries and regions set up more than 200 branches and research institutions. soway ( Su Wei ) chemical group through a worldwide network of agents and distributors, is committed to promoting global environmental protection plan, and in the chemical coating continuously improve the safety, health and environmental aspects, has always been to build human health environment for the idea of home furnishing, all over the world in building coating industry establish high honor status. Soway ( Su Wei ), well received by the trust of users and respected brand.

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